Acceleration-Ring in the central area of the Galaxy NGC1365
Albert Bünger - Artlenburg
1. Spiral-arm with blue lightning young stars Area with blue lightning young stars The ejected material was distributed inside of the Galaxy-arms Components of the old Star-Material was taken along with the Dark-Clouds-Stream 1.Dark-Clouds-Material-Stream 2. Spiral-arm with blue lightning young stars Area with yellow lightning old stars. You can see very exactly the starting-points of the Galaxy-Arms and there further ways. Sound: Click here 2.Dark-Clouds-Material-Stream Portions of the ejected material was attracted by the central area.
ESO-Photo: Galaxy NGC1365

This Galaxy let you take a look at the central area and its functionality. The Dark-Clouds-Streams are displayed negative. The old Star-Material is in the center of the Galaxy. The Development-Area of the 2 Dark-Material-Streams are on the both sides of the oval ring in the central area. Portions of the Dark-Material-Streams don't follow the narrowing curve of the ring and eject out of it. Components of the old Star-Material was taken along with them. In this picture, you can see quite exactly the starting-points of the Galaxy-Arms and there further ways. If you look precisely at the progress of the Dark-Material-Stream, you recognize, that the passage has some indentations in the funnel-shaped output-channel. This indentations deflect a part of the Material-Mainstream. The consequence of this deflections is the development of side-arms of the Galaxy. Changes of the indentations of the output-channels or modification of a side of the oval cause an alternation of the stream-angle. The result is the development of a branching at the outer side of a Spiral-Galaxy-Arm, par example, Galaxy NGC5427 or Galaxy NGC2997.

ESO-Photo Galaxy NGC1365

The Galaxy NGC1365 has a distance from the observer on the earth of about 60.000.000 light years. The diameter is about of 200.000 light years. For a full rotation it needs about 350.000.000 years. In its central-area there are yellow lightning old stars and in the Galaxy-Arms there are the blue lightning young stars. This facts are in contradiction to the "Black-Hole-Theory". But Contradictions make a theory faulty.

At beaming objects you can do radial speed measurements. But you have difficulties, if you do this measurements at objects, which have no radiation. The consequence is to search for radiating objects, which are moved by the Dark-Material-Stream. Further you have the possibility to investigate the very young Spiral-Galaxy NGC6872. The distance from the earth is about 300.000.000 light years and their diameter is about 750.000 light years. Their Dark-Material-Clouds are very hot and you see the light of them in a brown color.

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